Salam han19,

One thing that I'm trying to do is to teach my kids to do things following the Quran and Sunnah and not cultural practices. Coming from a mixed background frees me up into not just following one culture but following the deen itself, Insha-Allah.

My kids are only allowed 'Muslim music' not 'yucky music' (as they call it)!

It's so sweet about your son and the Quran - kids are so innocent at that age. I have never heard about reading doĆ” then blowing on a childs face - can u tell me why u do that?

The Prophetic guidelines about raising kids (sorry don't have the source on me) are: Love them for the 1st 7 years, then teach them for the next 7 years then be their friend for the 7 years after that.

If anyone has the source, pls post it.
