There has never been 4 to 5 pages of ads dedicated to rent, you might be new in Qatar. They'd rather put 3, maybe 4 pages max for sports but not for classified ads, especially rents. Why? For starters, there is Al-Waseet (free Arabic classified ads paper) and of course, the famous grocery billbaords flooded of these flats, room, villas and apartment for rent ads all over Qatar.

Accurate economics is not found on the number of pages in a newspaper, it is the content. You could have 4-5 pages of high priced flats due to a huge demand (and probably huge supply). But in this case, my humble economic knowledge says that presently, the demand is decreasing or stabilizing while the recently or newly built apartments, villas and buildings are just in time to cater the stabilizing market (renters) around (that includes you and me).

Bottomline, the rent will go down. You can thank me later Mikke.