I am not humoring anybody. I think this is a good debate and that we might all learn something from it. The way to do this is not to take a polemic view but to listen to the arguments and to make your own conclusion.

Whether you agree with him or not, Sage has a right to his point of view. He does not give it in an angry or insulting way, so let him have his say.

To my view, I am certain that many horrible, cruel and heinous acts have been committed in the names of religion and nationalism. Religious belief can be and is, manipulated by cynical powerful interests to gain power and influence. Nationalism can work in the same way. No religion is immune to this whether it is Islam or Christianity and no country is immune to it either.

Think about it " I love my country, right or wrong" or "God is on the side of the righteous".

A better understanding is key to taking power from the abusers. We should encourage our children to question both their political and religious leaders, to listen to their consciences (sp?) and make up their own minds. Perhaps, we will have a more peaceful world.

Also, what does "God Bless America" mean anyway?