I read and watched the link you provided

I think everyone should view this. It shows what we know, that the American people are being sold a lie against muslims. The Scofield bible of 1909 and 1967 actually rewrote the Old Testament, Genesis and Deuteronomy, claiming rights to a Jewish nation that didn't exist and stating that Christians who did not support this or who were anti-Semitic were in a sinful state.

The Moral Majority or Christian Right of America are responsible for the election of George W Bush and a war on Islam.

Please do not misunderstand me, this is not an anti Christian rant. I am a Christian. This not an anti-American rant. I am American.

It does show though that what I said before is right. We have to question our political and religious leaders and not blindly follow them for there is often a hidden agenda. Have a look at the link and see what you think.