Qatar has open door for Muslims and all others. I thank them.

I wont be pushed to show genesis the kind of ridicule done to islam in this forum, but he can just go through one post like the Hijab of noori and Homosexuals, and see for himself and lucky you and QF if you can swallow that. I don't know what you'll be left with. perhaps only 'a wide accomodating mind of all kind of stuff'. That will be great achievement. I can't swallow what some people say about Islam, Quran out of no where. Happy genesis, accepts insults and thats best way to foster harmony between people and religions.

People are good to say i didn't mean this or that and others are good to forget even what they just said minutes ago.

Let all remember that: I am against discussing religous issues in public forum. CAN WE STOP it in QL then and join the hand of e46m3.
Forgive & Forget