Assallamualaikum and peace be upon those who follow the truth,
I have some advice:
Dear brothers and sisters in Islam,
Muhammed (saw) said 'The Muslim Ummah (community/nation) is one Ummah to the exclusion of others' This statement was part of the first policy document/constitution enacted by Muhammed (saw) when he became the leader of Medina. I am a little concerned when I hear muslims labelling themselves as 'american', 'qatari', 'british' or any other label in a manner which demotes their link to the rest of the muslims. Isn't it enough that muslims have been divided into over 54 nations already that we now have muslims who knowingly or otherwise wish to create further divisions? Should i post the hadith on nationalism in which Muhammed (saw)condemns those who call, defend and fight for nationalism/tribalism?
Islam does not force anyone to become Muslim. Islam however has a clear message and objective; that is to rule the world according to Islam so humanity tastes the truth and injustice ends. That is why Islam spread to so many lands and regions i.e. by the armies of Islam. However, people converted to Islam after they had seen and sensed Islams justice and how it solved peoples practical problems in life. In fact the conquered became the conquerers! The same will re-occur when Islam returns to the international arena. Thus, talking to non-muslims about Islam is obligatory but is this our priority today considering the state muslims are in? Or should our priority be with the muslims so that they understand Islam correctly and do not swallow some new religion called 'moderate Islam' formulated by the west and implemented by those self imposed rulers in our lands?
If you are going to speak to non-muslims then do it in the fashion that Muhammed (saw) and his companions (ra) did it i.e. talk to them about the Intellectual proofs of the existence of the Creator, why the Quran is the speech of God and why Muhammed (saw) is a Messenger. These three elements of the Islamic belief can be discussed rationally because the mind can sense them directly or can establish their existence through reality. For example ,God says in the noble Quran to paraphrase, "Behold in the creation of the heaven and earth and the alteration between night and day. Indeed these are signs for those who think' In this verse Allah/God is prompting the people to investigate, think about creation and you will see that it is all dependant on a Creator for its existence and sustenance. We cannot sense Gods essence but we can sense His creation.There are many more verses like this. Discuss, why the Quran is a miracle and thus Revelation. The arabs were addressed directly via the arabic language of the Quran so they can really feel the supremancy and absolute impossibility of anyone (arab and non arab) to produce a verse (shortest is 3 lines) like the Quran. Why? How has the Quran managed to break one of the laws of the universe with respect to language and thus make it a miracle? The Quran is accessible and thus it being a miracle can be sensed and thus subject to a rational discourse. Likewise Muhammed (saw) has to be a Messenger because only Messengers and prophets bring revelation i.e Quran and this Quran is also his Miracle for proof of Messengership / Prophethood.
Thus there is little point in discussing sharia rules, the branches of Islam when you have yet to convince them of the foundations of the belief ( the creed or Aqeedah).
Dear non- Muslims,
As muslims we shall invite you to Islam but their is no compulsion on you to become Muslim. However, it is better for you to seriously investigate Islam because life is short, its end near and then its judgement time. Heaven or Hell. I know where I would want to be but do you know how to get there? Certainly not by ignoring the Will of the Creator and following your whims and desires. As Muslims we believe that Islam is the final message annulling all previous messages. God says in the Quran "This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your way of life." (TMQ 5:3). Thus only through observing its (Islams) commands can Muslims hope to please the Creator and stand a chance of geting to Heaven.
However, even after presenting you the proofs that convince the mind and bring tranquility to the heart, you wish to remain as non-muslims then that this your choice as God has given man the Mind to exercise thinking and make decisions. But remember all of us will be accountable for our decisions.
WalikumSallam and peace upon those who follow the guidance
Assallamualaikum and peace be upon those who follow the truth,
I have some advice:
Dear brothers and sisters in Islam,
Muhammed (saw) said 'The Muslim Ummah (community/nation) is one Ummah to the exclusion of others' This statement was part of the first policy document/constitution enacted by Muhammed (saw) when he became the leader of Medina. I am a little concerned when I hear muslims labelling themselves as 'american', 'qatari', 'british' or any other label in a manner which demotes their link to the rest of the muslims. Isn't it enough that muslims have been divided into over 54 nations already that we now have muslims who knowingly or otherwise wish to create further divisions? Should i post the hadith on nationalism in which Muhammed (saw)condemns those who call, defend and fight for nationalism/tribalism?
Islam does not force anyone to become Muslim. Islam however has a clear message and objective; that is to rule the world according to Islam so humanity tastes the truth and injustice ends. That is why Islam spread to so many lands and regions i.e. by the armies of Islam. However, people converted to Islam after they had seen and sensed Islams justice and how it solved peoples practical problems in life. In fact the conquered became the conquerers! The same will re-occur when Islam returns to the international arena. Thus, talking to non-muslims about Islam is obligatory but is this our priority today considering the state muslims are in? Or should our priority be with the muslims so that they understand Islam correctly and do not swallow some new religion called 'moderate Islam' formulated by the west and implemented by those self imposed rulers in our lands?
If you are going to speak to non-muslims then do it in the fashion that Muhammed (saw) and his companions (ra) did it i.e. talk to them about the Intellectual proofs of the existence of the Creator, why the Quran is the speech of God and why Muhammed (saw) is a Messenger. These three elements of the Islamic belief can be discussed rationally because the mind can sense them directly or can establish their existence through reality. For example ,God says in the noble Quran to paraphrase, "Behold in the creation of the heaven and earth and the alteration between night and day. Indeed these are signs for those who think' In this verse Allah/God is prompting the people to investigate, think about creation and you will see that it is all dependant on a Creator for its existence and sustenance. We cannot sense Gods essence but we can sense His creation.There are many more verses like this. Discuss, why the Quran is a miracle and thus Revelation. The arabs were addressed directly via the arabic language of the Quran so they can really feel the supremancy and absolute impossibility of anyone (arab and non arab) to produce a verse (shortest is 3 lines) like the Quran. Why? How has the Quran managed to break one of the laws of the universe with respect to language and thus make it a miracle? The Quran is accessible and thus it being a miracle can be sensed and thus subject to a rational discourse. Likewise Muhammed (saw) has to be a Messenger because only Messengers and prophets bring revelation i.e Quran and this Quran is also his Miracle for proof of Messengership / Prophethood.
Thus there is little point in discussing sharia rules, the branches of Islam when you have yet to convince them of the foundations of the belief ( the creed or Aqeedah).
Dear non- Muslims,
As muslims we shall invite you to Islam but their is no compulsion on you to become Muslim. However, it is better for you to seriously investigate Islam because life is short, its end near and then its judgement time. Heaven or Hell. I know where I would want to be but do you know how to get there? Certainly not by ignoring the Will of the Creator and following your whims and desires. As Muslims we believe that Islam is the final message annulling all previous messages. God says in the Quran "This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your way of life." (TMQ 5:3). Thus only through observing its (Islams) commands can Muslims hope to please the Creator and stand a chance of geting to Heaven.
However, even after presenting you the proofs that convince the mind and bring tranquility to the heart, you wish to remain as non-muslims then that this your choice as God has given man the Mind to exercise thinking and make decisions. But remember all of us will be accountable for our decisions.
WalikumSallam and peace upon those who follow the guidance