Critical thinking skills are not here in QL. What thinking is required before somebody who calls you names, insults you. I wish i could buy your critics but i'm sorry.
My religion doesnot ask them to respect it, instead it asks me not to give them a chance to ridicule and if they do,then i leave them till they end their ridicule.
I can leave topics on islam but it doesnt help coz my fellow muslims in QL still give them a chance to insult. This is what i'm fighting among muslims. On the other hand i request non muslims to avoid insults and use logical thinking. Well if am wrong in this i better remain so.

Idont argue on what is the best way to preach islam here. It is not the place. We can discuss that by private mail if you want.
Alexa: Muslims do preach everywhere and in this forum but i won't do it in this forum, coz of few members who have very loose dirty lips.

PM, hope my blind arguements see the light one day. My mission is not to preach but to protect, not thro non muslims but from Muslims. My word has power over them. This is the last time i will discuss this issue in this clarity. If my english is poor and difficult to understand, i don't regret.
Forgive & Forget.