Darude, I am ready to second your appointment anywhere in any field. Religion, Dance, Engineer, even president of whichever country you wish.
I'll take whatever comment and analysis you make. I love you as a human being. I am used to your tough comments and your 'commitment' to your religion. I likewise, hate the use of language sometimes, No as an Afghani, (not Talibani) i don't expect that from you.
I thought i'm the one who is scared. But yes scared not to get people scared. sl, scorpio are ready even to give me security and you are out shouting and accusing me of many and most of all i have been able to take to myself.

Now, what do i do? Could sl and scorpio the duo personal security guys take action and put Darude behind bars to allow me finalise my report?

Or as a democracy, Should we vote again for: Should Samawy post his analysis report or not? If Darude agree, I am ready and lets see who wins.
Forgive & Forget.