You seem to be friends with Western Journalists as Thomas Friedman and CO. Unlike you I care even what people like T. Friedman have to say in order to build up my own counter argument. Something you "DO NOT CARE ABOUT and don't care as ferry tale teller R. Fisk!

To believe that Hezbollah wrecked the country by its last operation to hold Israeli soldiers in exchange for the Leb. prisoners is another great Hollywood story you and a bunch of other journalists/politicians want every one to believe in order to put the blame on Hezbollah and the resistance. Are you politically really that naive?
The war on Lebanon was prepared by the US and Israel since a long time before Hezbollah's capture operation and you can follow the details in the archives of major US papers.

Ellias Atallah is such a great Lebanese "patriot" that he (together with Marwan Hamade) gets praises by the Israeli ambassador to the UN in New York while Lebanese kids were being massacred in Lebanon and Palestine.

If Israel wanted to kill Arafat they surely could have and would have if they ONLY wanted him Dead at that time!
Arfat is a man who loves "prime time" and loves showing himself on Camera. He would not miss the opportunity to be seen on TV while he leaves Beirut after his last stand there, just as Walid Jumblat could not miss this opportunity! Of course they both got the assurences that nothing would happen to them and no Israeli plane would throw a 1 ton bomb on them!

You forget that Nasrallah fought many times in battle against Israel and nobody really knows where he was during the war! He could have been in a secure place and I really hope so coz he is too important to be killed in action after all the leadership skills he posses. He might as well have been in the south, close to his fighters! Who knows? well at least he was not receiving praises form an Israeli UN ambassador. Hezbollah has lost a great leader (Musawi) in an Israeli assasination and I hope they have learned from their past mistakes. I know people like you would like to see a great leader like Nassrallah to be dead and this is for you own interest! But Nassrahllah has nothing to prove to you or your think alikes. To his supporters he is a Hero under whoese leadership the Israeli army has painfuly withdrwan from Arab land for the first time without any concessions in return. May GOD protect him and all people who fight for their freedom, country and honor!