umm...Aviduser...I haven't attacked anyone. And I certainly haven't generalised about entire nations like you generalise about Qataris. You've said on this thread that Qataris don't know the difference between right and wrong and don't seem to be taught it! Absolute rubbish! It is racist to make a statement like that about any nation.

Like I said before no-one rational would argue that each and every country in the world could improve in many ways. It's all very well to talk. Are you doing anything constructive about things you would like to change here? You say you are here because you are paid well, have a free house and two cars. Oooh, a real force for change.

I'm the kind of person who doesn't just generalise and criticise. I put my time, effort and money where my mouth is. I do this in Qatar and elsewhere. I work on groups here who discuss social change and political change. I donate my time, money and effort to the less advantaged in this country. In fact I work in your country to. I'm off to the UK later this week to follow up on some projects of mine there. One is about human trafficking where women are brought in and then enslaved into prostitution, suffering constant beatings and rape by their 'masters'. Another is a group of homeless shelters where women are housed. The majority of the women have been raped and beaten by men. Another is work on babies born drug addicted.

And I wouldn't have the audacity to say that all Brits are women beaters, rapists, drug addicts. But some are. Just like here. But I can see the good in society too. And I can see the people who are willing to put some time and effort into things they would like to change.

The difference between you and me, Aviduser, is that as well as talking the talk, I'm walking the walk. Oh yeah, and I don't slag off entire nations of people.