I have become very sensitive about accents recently. If you have a perfectly good American accent, there is no need to try and change it. I have been teaching Oryx to speak properly. She has made some progress but has a long way to go. No need to confues her with Canadian pronounciation.
American (proper English) = out Canadian (improper) = ooot
American (proper English) = about Canadian (improper) = aboot
American (proper English) = boat Candadian (improper) = boot
American (proper English) = huh! Canadian = eh! after everything
Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Mahatma Gandhi
I have become very sensitive about accents recently. If you have a perfectly good American accent, there is no need to try and change it. I have been teaching Oryx to speak properly. She has made some progress but has a long way to go. No need to confues her with Canadian pronounciation.
American (proper English) = out Canadian (improper) = ooot
American (proper English) = about Canadian (improper) = aboot
American (proper English) = boat Candadian (improper) = boot
American (proper English) = huh! Canadian = eh! after everything
Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Mahatma Gandhi