Oh ok. It's the latter then. LOL

Well 25 posts on, we all have been trying to give our perpectives to you and yet you don't wanna see another angle to it. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to put a point across to you, when you're not in a mood to listen.

I'd like to quote Jauntie again, "Having said that I guess without it, it would have made it easier for my husband to have given up on me years ago" and, "I may also have made the mistake of leaving HIM just on a whim - the marriage laws makes you think twice and for that I'm now thankful."

People do make mistakes by going off track but these legal implications, if thats what you'd like to call it, makes it easier to bring things back to sanity.

2100 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!