To tell you the truth, during our courting period I was thinking exactly like the way you are. I was happy, not really answerable to anyone, having my own space whenever I wanted. Yet had to get married cos parents (yes we're Indians), came to knew something is fishy in my life back in Qatar and they thought this can't go on forever. Moreover, I was getting too old for their liking. LOL
But seriously, once you're married, after sometime, it makes a lot of sense and when you get the first hand experience of what commitment is all about and how important a marriage is in a person's life. It's something that really cannot be explained to an outsider. ;)
Speaking of controversial topics, I've been thinking of this for quite sometime. Try it if you can, "Does God exist?".
----------------------------------------- 2100 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
To tell you the truth, during our courting period I was thinking exactly like the way you are. I was happy, not really answerable to anyone, having my own space whenever I wanted. Yet had to get married cos parents (yes we're Indians), came to knew something is fishy in my life back in Qatar and they thought this can't go on forever. Moreover, I was getting too old for their liking. LOL
But seriously, once you're married, after sometime, it makes a lot of sense and when you get the first hand experience of what commitment is all about and how important a marriage is in a person's life. It's something that really cannot be explained to an outsider. ;)
Speaking of controversial topics, I've been thinking of this for quite sometime. Try it if you can, "Does God exist?".
2100 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!