you got me wrong
i know gypsy didnt mean that, its just that if everyone started having a livin relationship like gypsy suggests things would turn out to be difficult to manage in a society.
and by the way i am too expecting a daughter

Gonna ask for some pointers if u dont mind

neway its the society we live in that makes the laws and they are made so that the people with not so strong wills dont mess up and spoil the names of the others in the group

that is the reason we have marriage laws in every country and every religion. When we marry, the Man and the Woman are entitled to certain rights over each other.

As i was saying, a woman goes through some periods in her life when she is vulnerable and needs assistance, if for example at this time the man decides to split, a legally binding contract be it under god or the pope or the court makes him responsible for his duties.

this is just an example.

What iam aiming at is even if there is no marriage under god or something like that there should be some system by which we are held responsible for our actions
be it for your wife your children or even your parents for that matter,
this is the basis on which a society works.

If my father would have told me that he doesnt want to support my mother and me because he and my mom never tied the knot what would have stopped him from doing so.

if there wasnt a word called marriage then there would have been some other word to take its place giving two people who decide to cohabitate rights over each other. in short there has to be a contract of some sorts so that no party gets the shorter end of the stick