i am sorry my question wasnt clear enuf

What i was asking for is for an instance where a religion says the other person is wrong, then go and kill him or his life can be taken

By the way, the little unification we have in this world is because of religion

As i said before, religion is also a law, A Law which crosses boundaries of countrys, thats the reason we have people of for example country A getting along better with country B. Since they share a similar faith & value system.

Now repeating what i said before, its the teachers of faith who arre responsible for creating a more tolerant society. they are not doing there job well enuf

Christ never asked to fight after even being oppressed so much, and i have read that in the quran it is a sin to humiliate or oppress a person of another faith.
So if a person acts such and gives an excuse of religion, then its the persons fault not the religions.

One more thing, the family structure is almost entirely based on the faith the family belongs to. Its very difficult to have a good family structure without having a model to keep as a benchmark.
Religion provides this.