too confusing to put my finger on anything
U can try but we are normal people not policy makers, atmost a vague picture is all we can go for.

too many things look wrong to me but I understand what u r trying to say

Division of state and religion right?
But whos to decide whats conservative any more

My children or anyone for that matter can do anything any more as long as they are not hurting anyone.

Values will be enforced by the state, manners too,
Social behaviour will be determined by the government and not taught in homes, as the government will be legally responsible for such.

But what i want to see is what if there is no religion
No belief system,

Wont we need a new system which includes everything from
How to talk to ur neighbours to what kind of financial transaction is permissible

What i mean to say is that u r going to give a lot of power to the government. they wud attain access to every part of ur human life.
USA is already working on those lines.

Sounds pretty dangerous to me. We gotta brainstorm about this though
Can u think on these lines, i mean on what i have just spoken

Lets just create a hypothetical scenario where religion is no more existent for a long time. what do u think the government is doing