GYpsy we are trying to reach a time and place when the Belief system established by Religion has vanished and and and u know
we are talking abt the future after religion

When u say that the government that does not teach their citizens the diff btween right n wrong ur automatically making the govmt responsible.

And where there is responsibility, u have to give authority

Food is a matter of taste and i agree everyone infact descendants from islamic countrys might start eating pork and christians might stop since it will all remain a matter of taste

When i talk abt what we eat i mean - substance abuseā‚¬

And a time when values like good and bad arent dependent on ur religious background. No matter how much we might hate to admit it but the right and wrong we were told are somewhere or the other related to our familys religious upbringing.

So now going into the future new valuesystems have to be created defining the bad and the good and sincethere is no religion
Some one will have tobe responsible for looking after this

And i think logically the responsibility will fall on the govmt of the time