Vijethpraveen...That's very ignorant of you to comment like that. I am sorry but just because a woman asks for help at home it does not mean that she is giving up her child to a house maid. The whole purpose of a house maid it to help the mother with household duties that can take a lot of ones time away from the family and cant be ignored. Especially when a child is so small there is so much more work other than regular chores. As for mothers who leave their babies in creche, my dear, not everyone is financially stable enough to stay home with their children so its not a crime to leave a child at a creche as long as the child is well looked after. Its better you do that than starve right. Lots of kids grow up like that and in boarding schools, their love for their parents dont decrease and they dont grow up as bad people necessarily!! If a mother is asking for help at home with her child then she really needs it and should get it, have you heard of post natal depression??? Educate yourself and be a bit more compassionate before you make such comments!!!