i've been having problems with hotmail for the last couple of months. Some examples:
1. server busy (like Jauntie), it doesn't send, you have to save it as a draft, and resend at a later time, a real pain when you're in a rush.
2. it doesn't deliver attachments, even though you upload them.This happened on several occasions.
3. it doesn't deliver "all" the attachments if you have more than one. Again it happened several times.
4. there seem to a war going on between hotmail & yahoo; sometimes mail to yahoo is not delivered at all, even though it shows "sent". Happened several times.
5. i don't know if Q-Tel has something to do with all this. May be other QL member gurus can expand on this topic.
6. uploading and dowloading time absolutely "sux", it takes an eternity.
7. would this be the signs of a dying "hotmail", most people i know have moved to "gmail" with no problems. MSN audio/video is OK though.