I really dont think this is an issue of respecting cultures. I really believe this was a misunderstanding. An educated intelligent woman who is working in a rather unstable environment was teaching children the value of democracy - no bad thing!

The fact that they chose Muhammed was possibly irrelevent and a name that children of that age hear again and again and will repeat wen asked to.My first pet was a goldfish who I insisted in calling Joey, heh go figure!Kids are kids and will always be...

I think the issue here is an over-reaction... I hope the British Consulate are sorting this out and get her out of jail by the end fo the day without reprisal. I do however, understand why a cartoon depicting muhammed was wrong. Surely it's the muslim way to forgive? I have no doubt that this is a minority and i am not tarring every muslim with the same brush.

A word for the BBC... I see them as impartial. If you look closely a lot of their information is credited to news agencies like Al-Jazeera and Reuters. They are funded by the British Public so they have a duty to report the truth.