Personally i believe in freedom of speech, travel & relegion in any where in the world. I dont think the presence of YK is harmfull to any country because of his nature. He never attack any community or country, may be he condemnd about iraq invation or israel attack against Palastinians, please note that many prominent Americans & Bristish also condemnd the same. You know during Iraq invation the foreign secretary of Briton Mr. Robin Hood (name am not sure) was resigned to protect against the invation, is British govt expelled him fromt the country. Is any Asian country denied visa to any EU, US & UK citizens related to any statement that is the different.
Personally i believe in freedom of speech, travel & relegion in any where in the world. I dont think the presence of YK is harmfull to any country because of his nature. He never attack any community or country, may be he condemnd about iraq invation or israel attack against Palastinians, please note that many prominent Americans & Bristish also condemnd the same. You know during Iraq invation the foreign secretary of Briton Mr. Robin Hood (name am not sure) was resigned to protect against the invation, is British govt expelled him fromt the country. Is any Asian country denied visa to any EU, US & UK citizens related to any statement that is the different.