The newly set-up radars can determine who the culprit is, it senses by the speed and it takes the cars number and the driver with some cameras , even the speed will be recorded and the time. When you go to pay the fine, they will show you the picture of your car with the number and time. Amazing, you can't deny! I was at the Al Saad Traffic light this afternoon and when the yellow flashed up, it will be late for me to stop so i go on in 40 speed, and nothing flashed, but still i feel worried about it.
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
The newly set-up radars can determine who the culprit is, it senses by the speed and it takes the cars number and the driver with some cameras , even the speed will be recorded and the time. When you go to pay the fine, they will show you the picture of your car with the number and time. Amazing, you can't deny! I was at the Al Saad Traffic light this afternoon and when the yellow flashed up, it will be late for me to stop so i go on in 40 speed, and nothing flashed, but still i feel worried about it.
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."