I heard that Rydge's and Qube are full of hookers, but hadn't noticed any in Irish Harp (my new favourite spot for drinking beer). But getting to Cardozo's question - life in Doha is what you make of it. Unfortunately, if this is your first overseas posting and you are a citizen of the US, life here may be something of a culture shock. It all depends on how open you are to new cultures, mixed cultures, no culture, mad driving, double standards, inadequate infrastructure, tinker, tailor, soldier sailor. You get my drift, right? If you can adapt, if you are willing to get caught up in the frenzy of an exploding economy, if you can find a school for your kids and a dentist that won't want to take your right arm in payment for a couple of fillings and a polish then, like me, you might even grow to love the place with the same kind of fondness that a family has for an elderly aunt who pees herself on the dining room chair at Xmas. Loveable in small doses, but always eager to get away from her for a while. Am I rambling again? Where' the sherry?