@renee, as usual your ignorance is amazing.

If I 'can't take the heat'. Wait a minute. So you're in my country, You're insulting my people, and you're acting like a racist and I should take that? I don't think so.

How about rather than me 'leaving the building'. You go somewhere that you like? Obviously Qatar isn't satisfying you.

"Are we stereotyping and racist when on a daily basis we see Qataris walking around a supermarket with a malnourished maid trailing behind them?"

Yes you are! I've never done that. My father has never done that. My uncle has never done that. You are GENERALIZING!

"Are you really suggesting that Qataris work hard in the office? In fact in any job? It is very rare so don’t start ranting about how you know of 5, no let’s say 20 Qataris you know that work hard."

I work from 7am until 5-7pm depending on the day. I work hard and do my job diligently.

You want to say that people don't because you haven't seen it? Then OPEN your eyes. You are a small minded person full of hate and arrogance.

If you see something, it doesn't mean that it's a common occurrence.

I see lazy Qataris, Lazy Brits, Lazy Indians, lazy everyone. Next time, be careful with your words.

Oh and believe it or not, Qatar isn't the only place where your 'horrors' occur. It seems that also need to open your eyes.

And I'll repeat, I myself as a Qatari am working hard to get Qatari legislation digitized so that it can be more transparent. Myself and other Qataris often help out with the Human Rights Authority to give those who need it help. I also started an initiative to get Human Rights numbers and hotlines printed onto leaflets to hand out to labourers and workers at the airports as they come in. Perhaps my work is in vain?

@everyone, renee obviously thinks that her experience's speak for everyone elses.

@jauntie, thanks for being level headed.

@oryx, I remember reading that the government has training centers set up. (and I agree :P)


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