@renee, come here.. come.. yep come here *arms wide open*.
Someone needs a hug. Awww... there you go.

Now for the reply, although most will be copy and past from my past post because it seems you like to skim

>> So, you’re telling us that “most” are hard workers??????????

Quoting myself

To be honest I don't think that the majority of my people are like me (hardworking) when it comes to the activities that I do. It wasn't my intention to imply that either.

Why does it have to be a majority or minority?

You want to find them? Show me a job opening and I'll find you someone who's interested in the position that'll be hard-working.

">> So you’re saying the majority aren’t? Tell us where to look."

See quote above. However, look around, they're around you.

>>Your half British yes? Did you once see the British with slave workers who carry their baskets in a supermarket?

Yes I am half British. If you're 'slave worker' is in reference to a maid, then yes. And I think it's rude to call them slaves.

">> take your own advice and look around you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am can you do that too Miss Pessimist.

As for the rest of your post, it's utter garbage. I'll ask again though, if you hate Qatar so much why are you here?

"I have one last question for you – do you NOT see the pure misery of others around you??? Are you that blind?

Do you not also see the happiness?

Finally, if you're such an angel yourself, how about going out there and doing something rather than moaning on the forum and making everything seem so negative. See the light before your heart turns black.


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