Old Guard - Helped stabilize Europe twice last century and bring down the Soviet Union.
New Vision - Squandered "peace dividend" of the 1990s, which led to current fiasco.
Guess I'll take Old Guard, they know what the stakes are and aren't lying to themselves or anyone else in the process. Sure they may say a few things for a good 'ol fashion 'rally around the flag', but sometimes that's what it takes in a democracy of 300 million (third most populous country in the world).
Old Guard - Helped stabilize Europe twice last century and bring down the Soviet Union.
New Vision - Squandered "peace dividend" of the 1990s, which led to current fiasco.
Guess I'll take Old Guard, they know what the stakes are and aren't lying to themselves or anyone else in the process. Sure they may say a few things for a good 'ol fashion 'rally around the flag', but sometimes that's what it takes in a democracy of 300 million (third most populous country in the world).