of course you can belive whatever you choose to believe..however...you are spreading your viewpoints in public forum, so don't expect the rest of the world to just sit back and take you calling our culture "broken"...trust me...some of the things you do will most certainly be viewed as strange and immoral in our views...however..you'll find most westerners tend to keep those viewpoints to themselves out of RESPECT for a different culture. Obviously you don't mind if you slam our culture publically...One thing I would like to say tho is that before you pass judgement upon a culture, go live there for a while and see for yourself what the people are like instead of spouting propaganda and hatred...You'd be surprised just how many good people with good morals, there are in other worlds.

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.