If you have decided to get married no advice you seem to seek will have any effect.. But once and for all please DO NOT do it in the name of Islam , you don't need that excuse because you are only using Islam to fulfill your own desire! Islam DOES NOT allow you to marry any other woman for any reason. The order for upto four wives was FOR specific reasons, UNDER strict circumstances AND was SPECIFICALLY DENIED for the fulfillment of lust!!!

It was then banned for muslims in general and later even for the Prophet PBUH and the finally the last HUKM/order about marraige is only for marrying SINGLE and PIOUS person, with consent and likeness for male or female both!!!

Everything is clear cut given in Quran in perfect order .. gradual strictness like for all other problems of that age , like khamar/ alchoholism etc..

I have all the references all in this BOOK QURAN if you need but you will not, I know because like the people who have set asside the true message for their lusts and use history more to justify their actions are all their for your convinience, you'll rather quote and folow them because it's all about your lust and desire!

Anyway this message is for those people too who when see someone is Muslim automatically assume they are allowed to marry 4 wives ... well they are not and thats why most of them don't and the true message says that and it's all open and their own, for everyone, to read themselves and makeup their minds and be what they want to be.
Islam is a way of life, a Deen Not a religion and a muslim is the one who changes his ways as per this Deen.

Allah helps those who help themselves!

