No, I do not agree with it as a form of birth control...but, accidents DO happen, even WHEN using contraceptives. I know,my cousin got pregnant while she and her husband were using condoms..luckily, they wanted the baby.

Absolutely yes in medical cases and also in the case of rape/incest. Some of you say that the fetus deserves to live...well what about the woman/child that is forced to relive the act of rape/incest, for every day of the 9 months that she is forced to carry the baby??? That could be even worse than the initial act itself, in a mental capacity of the female.

Having an abortion is never an easy decision to make. Trust me..I used to work in a Planned parenthood clinic, as a counselor and as an escort who walked those women into the clinic. Until you sit with someone who is crying their heart out over making a decision like that, you will never know how difficult it is. Berating someone for making that choice is even worse...never judge someone until you live in their place. It is SO easy to sit and say how bad it is for someone to have an easy to judge others, but we will never know the total reasons behind why someone makes that decision...but please don't take that option away from those that might require it for whatever reason.

One thing I do find interesting is that in the States 76% of people who are against abortion are male. Of those 76%, NONE of them have ever been pregnant.

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.