there are strains of TB that ARE incurable since they have become resistant to the strong antibiotics that have been used against the basic strain of TB. The ways to transmit TB are as Azi said, although the most common way is by the infected person COUGHING as the spittle goes through the air as an almost microscopic size spray, and the other person inhaling it, which is why it was so prevalent in the early part of the last century. TB has made a very strong comeback in the past 15 years with the problems of illegal aliens coming into the US..which is why I know about this..when he was 6 years old,my son was exposed to TB by a China national(yes, there WAS a way to track how it was exposed in this case) and now tests positive each time he gets the TB test, although he went through the entire series of antibiotics. People who test positive, whether they've been treated for past positive results or from an innoculation, will always have to have the chest xray done to verify that there are no active nodules inside the lungs.

Ask this guy if he's been on meds for it, but I have to say please report this person because if you just ask them, and they are scared that they will be deported due to this, they WILL lie..and that will spread the disease in this country.

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.