Why More Men Die in Accidents Than Women
Men Are 2.5 Times More Likely to Die from an Accident Than Are Women
By Fabletoo, published Dec 19, 2007
Published Content: 368 Total Views: 243,974 Favorited By: 66 CPs
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close windowMen are 2.5 times more likely to die from an accident than are women. In the United States, 35,000 men die every year as the result of an accident. Between the ages of 1 and 44 years old, accidents are the biggest cause of death. In the 15 to 24 age group, there are over 4 men die for every woman that dies from an accident. But why do men have more accidents than women and also die from them? Much of it has to do with men involving themselves in riskier behavior than women, and here's why.
1. Alcohol - This is a big contributor to accidental deaths in men. Men binge drink much more than women do, so they're much more likely to get drunk and then do stupid things. 43% of pedestrians killed in the US every year are men who are drunk. Apparently, when they have a few beers, looking both ways before they cross the street is the last thing they think of.
2. Testosterone - Men have a lot of it and it's testosterone that makes men think things like "I can drive really fast and beat that other car to the stop sign", "Bungee jumping with a homemade bungee cord would be so awesome", or "Skateboarding down that big mountain drunk sounds cool!" As soon as men let their testosterone get the better of them, bad things usually happen.
3. The Peacock Syndrome - Men often have to compete for women's attention and, for some bizarre reason, they think women like men who do dangerous things. Really, most women look at them and think "What's wrong with him?" but men don't get that. So, just like the male peacock with the flashy feathers cavorting around to get attention, they get out their motorbikes and do wheelies. At 90 miles an hour. Without a helmet.
4.Men are Raised To Take Risks - Little girls are often told, "Be careful, you might get hurt", but little boys are usually allowed to do what they want. They're encouraged by parents and family members to be adventurous and try things - risk-taking builds character. So, by the time they're 25 years old, they're still thinking about how much fun it would be to skateboard down the street while being pulled by a car. Women, on the other hand, are thinking how much that will hurt when they hit a pole.
Why More Men Die in Accidents Than Women
Men Are 2.5 Times More Likely to Die from an Accident Than Are Women
By Fabletoo, published Dec 19, 2007
Published Content: 368 Total Views: 243,974 Favorited By: 66 CPs
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Rating: 3.9 of 512345 Font Font
close windowMen are 2.5 times more likely to die from an accident than are women. In the United States, 35,000 men die every year as the result of an accident. Between the ages of 1 and 44 years old, accidents are the biggest cause of death. In the 15 to 24 age group, there are over 4 men die for every woman that dies from an accident. But why do men have more accidents than women and also die from them? Much of it has to do with men involving themselves in riskier behavior than women, and here's why.
1. Alcohol - This is a big contributor to accidental deaths in men. Men binge drink much more than women do, so they're much more likely to get drunk and then do stupid things. 43% of pedestrians killed in the US every year are men who are drunk. Apparently, when they have a few beers, looking both ways before they cross the street is the last thing they think of.
2. Testosterone - Men have a lot of it and it's testosterone that makes men think things like "I can drive really fast and beat that other car to the stop sign", "Bungee jumping with a homemade bungee cord would be so awesome", or "Skateboarding down that big mountain drunk sounds cool!" As soon as men let their testosterone get the better of them, bad things usually happen.
3. The Peacock Syndrome - Men often have to compete for women's attention and, for some bizarre reason, they think women like men who do dangerous things. Really, most women look at them and think "What's wrong with him?" but men don't get that. So, just like the male peacock with the flashy feathers cavorting around to get attention, they get out their motorbikes and do wheelies. At 90 miles an hour. Without a helmet.
4.Men are Raised To Take Risks - Little girls are often told, "Be careful, you might get hurt", but little boys are usually allowed to do what they want. They're encouraged by parents and family members to be adventurous and try things - risk-taking builds character. So, by the time they're 25 years old, they're still thinking about how much fun it would be to skateboard down the street while being pulled by a car. Women, on the other hand, are thinking how much that will hurt when they hit a pole.