Aaaaaaaaaaaaall are correct in their thinking ,this is against humanism ect....the modern world stating the solution of aids or it's related hell that wear this and be connected do what u wish ........this is rubbish against humanity ??? u wanted to prevent the crime u have to strict the law otherwise tomorrow u will be victimized finally my point if you accept the Kalima Lailaha illalah (Ther is no god but only one god u will be convenience ,there is no objection from ur side ,it will be being held through all part of world the Zionists trying to stop the fastest growing & spreading Islam in Europe and U.S, the last ceremony delivered by Pop Benedict.... in Vatican that "what is going in world we are spending thousand for spreading Christianity in world but only 16.30 % Christians in world but Muslims are being increased till 17.45 % ..........", this is what going in surround world ,just say this kalmia u will be a winner in two world