Sorry plato.. talk to someone who is not in the know before you start sugar coating Europe..

The only reason Europe has given more rights to women is because we fought for them.. following the lead of America of course.

And there is still much to do to get rid of cultural stigmas against women in European countries.

In fact, i could argue that the islamic world (despite people like adnan) can sometimes (not all) be much more understanding of a woman's needs then pro western feminists.

We must also take into consideration that much of the Islamic world has suffered extreme poverty and lack of education for years. Using Qatar as an example we can see how women have benefited from Islamic concepts such as child custody, right to work, right to divorce, access to education, ability to travel, and owner of her own money. And that as the education of wealthier arabs grow the stigmas that try to keep us women down will soon become obsolete causing a butterfly effect in the muslim world.