I agree that the THOUGHT culture concerning animals is totally different among expats than over here, but actually the saluki is the oldest dog in the world..its the native dog here also. They have been used for hunting and racing for thousands of years.
As far as naming dogs for people...its common and cultural...just like not naming dogs for people over here.
Skanky, I am SO sorry to hear about the 3 dogs!! I never met them but any time someone is heartless enough to poison an animal is bad...again I say...they will have to answer to a higher power in the long run. Until then they need to stop randomly killing God's creatures.
Stealth...ok, so WHERE do you suggest we take the dogs so they can get some energy out without scaring those in this country who are totally afraid of dogs?? We took them to a beach, early in the morning, where virtually no one goes..plus..that's where they exercise the falcons...what if one of those happened to pick up a piece of this poisoned food???
Dweller...thank you ever so much for that suggestion on the vodka...will take it with me from now on along with salt water to induce vomiting.
Speed...as always...thank you...might just call upon you in a few days.
Timtan...SHAME on you for your comment...where is your conscience?
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
I agree that the THOUGHT culture concerning animals is totally different among expats than over here, but actually the saluki is the oldest dog in the world..its the native dog here also. They have been used for hunting and racing for thousands of years.
As far as naming dogs for people...its common and cultural...just like not naming dogs for people over here.
Skanky, I am SO sorry to hear about the 3 dogs!! I never met them but any time someone is heartless enough to poison an animal is bad...again I say...they will have to answer to a higher power in the long run. Until then they need to stop randomly killing God's creatures.
Stealth...ok, so WHERE do you suggest we take the dogs so they can get some energy out without scaring those in this country who are totally afraid of dogs?? We took them to a beach, early in the morning, where virtually no one goes..plus..that's where they exercise the falcons...what if one of those happened to pick up a piece of this poisoned food???
Dweller...thank you ever so much for that suggestion on the vodka...will take it with me from now on along with salt water to induce vomiting.
Speed...as always...thank you...might just call upon you in a few days.
Timtan...SHAME on you for your comment...where is your conscience?
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.