Alexa, I have to disagree. The present day world is full of sexual anomalies which are confusing even to adults.
When I was in my teens, I met quite a few people who were extremely confused about their sexuality.
As a consequence, they engaged in homosexual acts in an attempt to discover the nature of their own sexuality.
If these poor unfortunates were 'born' gay, they would know it instinctively and they would not need to experiment in order to 'discover' their sexuality.
Most of the people I knew who followed this path became even more confused, and to this day many of them do not truly know if they are 'gay','bi' or 'straight'.
I believe this is a social problem and should be seen as such.
Alexa, I have to disagree. The present day world is full of sexual anomalies which are confusing even to adults.
When I was in my teens, I met quite a few people who were extremely confused about their sexuality.
As a consequence, they engaged in homosexual acts in an attempt to discover the nature of their own sexuality.
If these poor unfortunates were 'born' gay, they would know it instinctively and they would not need to experiment in order to 'discover' their sexuality.
Most of the people I knew who followed this path became even more confused, and to this day many of them do not truly know if they are 'gay','bi' or 'straight'.
I believe this is a social problem and should be seen as such.