Sucking every penny out of the company? Who's company penny you mean to suck out? I hope this do not mean being not emphatic towards the company you are working for because i believe in treating the company you are working for as your own. You may not be rewarded outwardly or directly, the company may not see this in you or may overlook this because your bosses maybe busy looking out far but there is always that halo in you that attracts blessing from wherever it may come from.

We may not share the same sentiment in life towards working etiquettes but let me just share this to you, ya? Work not just for your own advancement but for the company too. Treat your company as your own and you willbe treated the same. I may sound laid back but i do believe selfless efforts pay off. You may be surprise one day how but it does.

"Whatever God does, He does it in love. he never take one thing away from you without giving you back something better".