trust me its not only the Filipinos that are targeted. No woman can smile at other motorists without getting followed. I'm having a really tough time with that because I ALWAYS smile at other folks...but in Qatar, that almost always ends up with someone following me in their car. Best trick to end that is drive to the closest police station and go inside...they always disappear.

Celia...or anyone else for that matter...if that ever happens to you...ask for his badge number, call 999 and ask if this person is an officer...and if so, tell him that you will FOLLOW him to the police station in YOUR car, and deal with the officials there...NOT in his car.

Just because the guy was wearing a thobe doesn't automatically make him a Qatari...but his actions DO make him a pervert.

Owen..thanks for posting this and making us aware of the situations out there....maybe you saved someone's life by doing this...

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.