consciouseffort, your answer was wonderful and commendable. One of my ex-colleague, of all his stupid talks said one remarkable point which I remind myself everyday. He said, please let me know a place in this world where there is no discrimination either b'se of colour, creed, caste or religion. I said India, since I am from India. He said yes Indians do not differentiate on colour b'se all are brown or black but there is ample discrimination due to caste (caste is a sect of a religion for your understanding), language and what not. Then I said, USA, he said there is ample discrimination between black and white,which I concurred. If these two largest democracies has so apparent discrimination, then I don't think, I need to talk abt others. Bill gates once said to a group of students, do not except fairness outside this hall b'se world was not built on equality. But is discrimination correct or wrong?. Humans are social animal and they have animal instinct which is associating themselves to another person or group thru a common thread,hence a tendency to favor a person of same thread is not unusual. The best way to beat the tendency is to have a open mind and have enough ammunition to fight when given a chance. Ammunition,I mean, is qualification, experience, recommendation from colleague/supervisor and a determination to win. Knowledge is acquired not only thru education but thru exp too. As others mentioned above, MBA is a master in administration, which in other words meant manage. It talks about common sense like analysis, people management and management concepts which are technically usual only after climbing the corporate ladder,not before it. It doesn't specialise anybody on anything,even if you had taken specialisation on any of the streams. Rather than complaining, it would be advisable to equip ourselves with the required qualification they want(London or US) and then fight for a chance (not a fair playing field) or else you will keep complaining till you die.