have interesting definitions of what is i checking out..glaring and staring...To start with..i do not agree with your you differentiate the types of look based on how long they last or the intensity or widness of the looking eye?? This is way too vague a definition....

I have seen westerners stare at women here, in the uk, in south east asia, far east asia...This happens by all and i am not saying just westerners like you did for the qataris and asians...

I believe we could classify this as "abuse of women"..and when it comes to that..assuming you come from the have no way of competing against our community which protects the women and give her such a high status..and i refer to striptease shows and prostitutions..which are lawful over there..

If an arab women with her full covered up dress walks in the most conservative part of the west..they will name it they have it..which is too bad too!

I do admit there are bad behaviours over Qataris and Asians..which is practiced by westerners too...
To conclude, I advise you to be independent and to liberate yourself from the wrong impressions you have wether you carry them willingly or unrealisngly...

some people over here..unfortunately, without naming any nationality, insult people who are not looking good..overweight, short..which is too bad...this might be the reason for which the short and overweight lady was abused?? maybe