all of this staring. nothing will intimidate them from looking away. even shooting them a look of "what the hell are you looking at, loser?" nothing makes them turn away, look away, divert eyes.
it's frustrating and sickening. I enjoy being in qatar, but i cannot enjoy the looks and i cannot get used to it. it's hard to ignore.
i want to go about my daily life, do the things i need to do (you know, basic things like driving a car, shopping for grocerys, walk down the street) without un-blinking eyes latched on my every move. it's sick.
Infact, i often get so furious that they think they have a RIGHT to stare this way at any woman. does it matter that this woman could be a mother? a wife?
on more than one occasion i have told them off. they KNOW it's wrong to stare, believe me. but they know no one will do anything about it. i will. i will always speak up if i get too mad. but it's exhausting. there are too many of them to teach a lesson. so then i feel defeated.
sometimes, i think they need a good slap to the head.
there are only a few woman who don't mind the attention, no matter who it comes from.
i haaaate it. and i believe that the majority of woman hate it as well.
we want to feel free. not dreading every stoplight, or walk on the sidewalk, or trip in the mall.
all of this staring. nothing will intimidate them from looking away. even shooting them a look of "what the hell are you looking at, loser?" nothing makes them turn away, look away, divert eyes.
it's frustrating and sickening. I enjoy being in qatar, but i cannot enjoy the looks and i cannot get used to it. it's hard to ignore.
i want to go about my daily life, do the things i need to do (you know, basic things like driving a car, shopping for grocerys, walk down the street) without un-blinking eyes latched on my every move. it's sick.
Infact, i often get so furious that they think they have a RIGHT to stare this way at any woman. does it matter that this woman could be a mother? a wife?
on more than one occasion i have told them off. they KNOW it's wrong to stare, believe me. but they know no one will do anything about it. i will. i will always speak up if i get too mad. but it's exhausting. there are too many of them to teach a lesson. so then i feel defeated.
sometimes, i think they need a good slap to the head.
there are only a few woman who don't mind the attention, no matter who it comes from.
i haaaate it. and i believe that the majority of woman hate it as well.
we want to feel free. not dreading every stoplight, or walk on the sidewalk, or trip in the mall.