you left the other part of the equation off...

If all women were perfect, there would be no cheating, hence if all MEn were also perfect, there would be no cheating. Men need to take responsibility for their actions as well as women do. They need to make sure all aspects and requirements of the relationship are met. Takes TWO to tango, as you can't dance it by yourself.

Why you guys seem to think that marriage sucks the sex drive out of women is totally ridiculous. The female sex drive is just as strong as a males but its been falsely reported that males can't control theirs so its just been blindly accepted as fact.

Men who cheat are just as wrong as women who cheat...doesn't matter what the excuse is..its wrong and they know it.

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the main difference between a dog and man.
-Mark Twain-