The life of millions of humans is at risk. You shoud see the scene at the aiport today. All workers and some travellers ae wearing masks.
Why to assume that the virus is only transfered human to human? What if some a..hole(s) somewhere are hiding the truth?
Any person in power cannot take even 1% risk.
For your information. The pigs will be tested. The meat of non-infected pigs will be frozen and later released in the market. Besides. Farms will be relocated into distant areas away from residental places.
The life of millions of humans is at risk. You shoud see the scene at the aiport today. All workers and some travellers ae wearing masks.
Why to assume that the virus is only transfered human to human? What if some a..hole(s) somewhere are hiding the truth?
Any person in power cannot take even 1% risk.
For your information. The pigs will be tested. The meat of non-infected pigs will be frozen and later released in the market. Besides. Farms will be relocated into distant areas away from residental places.