I am going to create a generic post that i can copy and paste telling people to go and read the rest of the forum, just for people like you...i posted that information a yesterday.
There is no rumor mongering going on here. Only some misinformed people such as yourself getting involved in a conversation that has been going on for a week.

Have the QatarCool fees been established and not changed as they say? Possibly, but when? Yesterday? Last week? Last Month?
First Qatar have informed me that they have had their QatarCool costs finalized 2 months ago.

Our developer quoted us a maximum of Qar 50,000.00 connection fees based on estimates provided by QatarCool a couple of years ago, that has now more than doubled...hence the title of this post, Tallg!
Now who is bullsh*tting me? QatarCool or First Qatar? I dont know, but i certainly intend finding out!!

Come on people, do you think we would be going to all this effort if we knew about these fees all along??
Be logical. THis has massive financial implications for most of us, some of you bright sparks come here and try and make it sound like we are making this sh*t up.


Watch this space.