There have been a few references to the article in the local newspaper, Gulf Times. To be honest i was hoping for much more...

They virtually reposted the QatarCool article related to the connection fees. And happily state that we will be charged nearly 100K for the connections to an apartment as if it is okay!!!
What is that all about!! Are we living in such a mad world?? As qatar expat put, the most important question we need answered now is when these fees where established...why is the newspaper not asking them? Why are they just accepting the very vague and positively avoidance orientated response that QC have given??
They also didnt even mention the usage fees!!
They are rediculously high as well. According to the QC article we are also paying about 2 or 3 times for administration and we are also paying for infrastructure.
How can we pay for infrastructure, do we then own it? Can we take the pipes and pumps away with us when we sell? Will we get a revenue stream from the investment in QC infrastructure??? These are the things i was hoping the press was going to ask and answer!!!

I am sorry, while i appreciate them printing the article is doesnt exactly bring accross an unbias point of veiw, more like a press release for QC.

We will have to keep trying, but right now, i am very disappointed.

Watch this space.