I have spent hours trying to get as much info from developers as i can. I have all the below info in writing from the developers except First Qatar. This is what i know:

The below is ONLY the QC connection fees, not monthly consumptions fees, not annual capacity fees, not maintenance fees, not service fees, not master community fees.. and the list NEVER ends...

If you have bought with UDC or The Land, you seem to be the only ones that are not being screwed by your developer.

UDC QC connection fees:

The connection fee is a one off payment as follows:
1 Bedroom 12 000 QAR
2 Bedroom 15 000 QAR
3 Bedroom 18 000 QAR
4 Bedroom 21 000 QAR

The Land QC connection fee:

It is a one time connection fee of 15 000 QAR. (that is all they said, they did not mention per bedroom)

Sabban Towers QC connection fee:

Sabban Towers are charging 396 QAR per SQM connection fee.
All they have done is copy and pasted their fees directly from the QC website.
What this means is that for a 200 SQM apartment you will be paying a connection fee of 79,200 ++ QAR!!!

First Qatar Connection Fee:

Surprise, surprise, still have no fees however when i asked them verbally 2 weeks ago it was 600 QAR per SQM.
That is 120 000 QAR for a 200 SQM apartment!! I have a feeling they will go with their Sabban tower mates and copy and paste from the QC website too.

The above is just to show the extremely difference between UDC/The Land costs and the rest of the developers/QC.

I will pay the UDC and The Land connection fees. I will not under any circomstances pay what QC, Sabban and First Qatar is dictating to me! How dare they try and take advantage of us when it is clear that other developers are not!!

I urge every single owner of the Pearl to tell their developer that they are only paying UDC and The Land connetion charges.

DO NOT allow QC, and other developers to screw you over. We have paid millions for our homes. The developers have made millions from us, how dare they think it is o.k. to take more!!

If the developers did not factor these costs into their selling price it is THEIR FAULT. If they stuffed up their budgets it is THEIR FAULT. If they did not finalize agreements with QC and estimated incorrectly, again... their problem, not ours. How dare they think we should pay for their mistakes!!!

Enough people, pay The Land and UDC fees. NOT A PENNY MORE!!!

Also be VERY carefull that they don't all of a sudden increase your service charges or any of the other million fees to try and make up for their mistakes somewhere else. Keep your eyes open.