Personally i don't believe long distance relationships work, and I don't see the point of them. People get in relationships to BE TOGETHER, not be 3000 kms apart. It's not natural.
If you too really love each other you'd make the big decision and decide who has to leave their job for the sake of the relationship. It might be you it might be him, but if neither of you are willing to do it, your relationship isn't worth a damn.
Personally i don't believe long distance relationships work, and I don't see the point of them. People get in relationships to BE TOGETHER, not be 3000 kms apart. It's not natural.
If you too really love each other you'd make the big decision and decide who has to leave their job for the sake of the relationship. It might be you it might be him, but if neither of you are willing to do it, your relationship isn't worth a damn.