Nic: Thanx for the input. Which again brings us to the points
1.recruiting and 2.quality of output.
If firms in Canada pay the same amount, irrespective of nationality, and still hire Asians, it should mean there's not much disparity in the quality of work. Which brings us to recruitment.
If the general perception of Asians in ME is bad, it should also point to the recruitment system where undeserving candidates have been recruited, thus spoiling the outlook about Asian workforce. I do agree there can be other forces at play here(like the brand thing)
Exiled: Thanx. I do get paid reasonably well(shall I add, 'for an Indian'? ). Wouldnt mind if i get a raise, though! ;)
Nic: Thanx for the input. Which again brings us to the points
1.recruiting and 2.quality of output.
If firms in Canada pay the same amount, irrespective of nationality, and still hire Asians, it should mean there's not much disparity in the quality of work. Which brings us to recruitment.
If the general perception of Asians in ME is bad, it should also point to the recruitment system where undeserving candidates have been recruited, thus spoiling the outlook about Asian workforce. I do agree there can be other forces at play here(like the brand thing)
Exiled: Thanx. I do get paid reasonably well(shall I add, 'for an Indian'? ). Wouldnt mind if i get a raise, though! ;)