rehanbutt.... but why just look the other way and pretend everything is great (or at least look the other way and pretend to ignore it?)

Yes I am a guest worker, and am happy to be in the Middle East. However, I am not here just for the money.

I like my life style here. I like the fact that my kids learn Arabic at good schools. I like knowing my food is always halal. I like being able to find a mosque whenever i need one. And the list goes on.

Yes, in the west we have democracies, but when was the last time these countries really listened to the long term needs of the public rather than short term, vote grabbing headlines. The advantage of living in an Emirate/Kindom, is that the same ruling family can actually take a long term view of the needs of his people and act accordingly.

Wanting what is best for a country requires debating issues with people that can enact change. For the good of these countries it is important to provide decent facilities for the guests. If I invite somebody into my house, they are treated with the best I can offer, not ignored until they leave! Must be late, I seem to be rambling on rather than making a point.......... good night all.