Yes, they are definitely common in the U.S. One particular hospital in Houston would actually brag about their (very high) c-section rate on their tours. Eek. I know other doctors in the U.S. who will "work with patients" to find a "reason" for a scheduled c-section.
I have two friends here who were adamant about natural births, so much so that they did return to the U.S. for their births. Other friends have had natural births here, but the risk of "needing" a c-section is fairly high in Qatar from what I've seen.
It sounds like you have a great doctor in the U.S. - good find :)
Yes, they are definitely common in the U.S. One particular hospital in Houston would actually brag about their (very high) c-section rate on their tours. Eek. I know other doctors in the U.S. who will "work with patients" to find a "reason" for a scheduled c-section.
I have two friends here who were adamant about natural births, so much so that they did return to the U.S. for their births. Other friends have had natural births here, but the risk of "needing" a c-section is fairly high in Qatar from what I've seen.
It sounds like you have a great doctor in the U.S. - good find :)