And I do not agree with salary being benchmarked with cost of living of country of origin – that I can understand when you accept the offer (unless you going to earn more in Qatar why would you be here for your first offer). When you get here and do not offer value you’ll will be sacked. In the last month there has been 2 top companies (aware of the details of restructuring) which have got rid of all the “fat” in their companies – quite a lot of them being westerners which huge salaries not justifying their salaries and offering value. More companies are going to do so soon in the near future.
The bottom line is – if you do not add value to your company you will be kicked out – doesn’t make a difference whether you are black or white or brown or yellow :-)
One thing though – while taking an interview, I’d luv to hear the candidate tell me that the cost of living in his home country is high and that’s justification for a higher salary. Hilarious.
And I do not agree with salary being benchmarked with cost of living of country of origin – that I can understand when you accept the offer (unless you going to earn more in Qatar why would you be here for your first offer). When you get here and do not offer value you’ll will be sacked. In the last month there has been 2 top companies (aware of the details of restructuring) which have got rid of all the “fat” in their companies – quite a lot of them being westerners which huge salaries not justifying their salaries and offering value. More companies are going to do so soon in the near future.
The bottom line is – if you do not add value to your company you will be kicked out – doesn’t make a difference whether you are black or white or brown or yellow :-)
One thing though – while taking an interview, I’d luv to hear the candidate tell me that the cost of living in his home country is high and that’s justification for a higher salary. Hilarious.